21 March 2010

easiest lunch ever + shoyu pickles

Millet with Nori
Cook the millet (1 part millet 2,5 parts water) and add some nori when cooked

Fry some onion, garlic, celery, kidney beans
Add some water if needed
Spice with pepper and chili

Salad with: spinach, tomatoes, radishes and parsley
Mix a teaspoon of tahini with some apple vinegar and pour it over the salad

On the side: pickles of cucumbers, onions and radishes
Make this pickles is very easy but takes a couple of days
Boil a half a cup of water and half a cup of shoyu for 30 seconds and wait until it's cold
Cut some vegetables roots (carrots, radishes, etc.), round vegetables (onion, cabbage, etc.) or cucumbers in pieces.
Put the vegetables and the mixture of shoyu-water in a big glass and keep the vegetables from floating by having something to keep it pushed down (I use a french press).
Leave it pickling for 2-5 days then remove the vegetables and keep it in the fridge. You can use the shoyu-water mixture for cooking.