19 February 2010

Barley- Red Lentils - Shiitake soup


80gr barley
80gr red lentils
1 piece of celery
3 shiitake mushrooms
1 teaspoon peanut butter

Soak the shiitake mushrooms for at least 1 hour in a liter of water.
Rinse the barley and the lentils and put them in a pot with the shiitake water and a piece of kombu, bring to boil.
Cut the celery in small pieces and the shiitake in stripes, add it to the soup and cover the pot with a lid.
Add a pinch of salt and let it boil for 20 minutes or until the barley is cooked.
When the barley is cooked add a teaspoon (or more, by your taste) of peanut butter and tamari sauce.